Improve Your Photography with Steven Hawker Photography – The Importance of Light

The 3rd blog in the series from Steven Hawker Photography that aims to improve your photography ….

Photography literally means painting with light.  Light is hugely important to the quality of the photograph … both the amount of light and the type of light.

Portraits and nature shots (especially flowers) are best taken on cloudy days when the light is “flat”.  Strong sunlight creates very bright spots and sometimes also areas of shade.  Faces appear blotchy and this is not very flattering.  If the sun is strong look for shaded areas or wait for temporary cloud cover.  If there is no other option place your subject with their back to the sun.  

Landscapes are best taken early in the morning or in the early evening.  The light is just better at these times.  Shadows are longer.  In the mornings the air is clearer and in the evenings its softer and warmer.

When taking pictures indoors don’t be afraid to use your flash.  All cameras now come with a flash as do most mobile phone cameras.  The human eye is a remarkable thing and will almost always remain focused and make use of whatever light is available …. even when there is almost none!  Camera’s and phone camera’s are very different.  Unless you are in a very very bright room you will almost certainly need to use flash – don’t be fooled by your eyes.  This will avoid those blurry out of focus pictures you often get and wonder why.

Avoid this – 

Improve Your Photography

Aim for this – Improve Your Photography




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